Session Liability Waiver
Please read the following:
- I understand that although massage can be very therapeutic, relaxing and can reduce muscular tension, it is not a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, care and/or treatment.
- I understand that this is a therapeutic massage and any sexual remarks or advances will terminate the session at full cost without refund.
- Being that massage should not be done under certain medical conditions, I affirm that I have answered all questions pertaining to all medical conditions truthfully and have informed Reworks Massage and Tech LLC/Your Wizard Massage/Cori Tate Barker, LMT of any and all medical conditions, especially those that are contraindicated (will be worsened by massage).
- I understand my responsibility to communicate:
- Discomforts such as, but not limited to, pressure, temperature, chair position, music, conversation.
- Changes in medical conditions.
- Expectations for the session and during the session.
- I hereby for myself, my heirs, administrators and assignees, waive and release any and all rights and claims of damages that may hereafter accrue to me, or which I have against Reworks Massage and Tech LLC/Your Wizard Massage or Cori Tate Barker, LMT for all and any injury, loss, pain and suffering, and damages suffered by me during the course of or in any way connected to any and all massage therapy sessions, past, future and present.
Timing Policies
First Time?
Please arrive no later than 5 minutes prior to your start time; we like giving everyone the full amount of time on the table, but must also accommodate those before and after your session.
You will need to agree to these policies on the clip board!
Running Late?
Everyone’s time is valuable on the chair and we will try to accommodate you as best we can; however, we will have to end the session on time for the next client.
You may call/text and change your booking all the way up until the end of your session time. However, there are no cancellation refunds 1 hour or less prior to session start time. See the full General Policy on Fees, Cancellations and Refunds here!
You may call/text/email to cancel your session up to 1 hour in advance and receive a full refund for the session.
Well, if you don’t make it and don’t call or text or email then we keep your money and take a nap!